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Habit Optimization

Group + Course

Dated Saturday start__Feb + March 2022 Coaching Group - Habit Tracker Chain_Habit Building

Using Coach Alyssa's Habit Optimization worksheet as our guide, we will be walking through the  common obstacles that ADHDers encounter when implementing new habits. 

Then we will be supporting each other to implement 1 habit of your choice through weekly zoom check-ins and an online community.

How will this work?

Cost: $99




The group will meet for 5 weeks on Fridays from 12:30-1:30pm:

  • Week 1: April 1st

  • Week 2: April 8th

  • Week 3: April 15th

  • Week 4: April 22nd

  • Week 5: April 29th





Once you register for the Habit Optimization membership, you will have access to the Thinkific platform.

Using the Thinkific platform, you will:

  1. Watch the course on your own before our first zoom meeting on April 1st
    The course will walk you step-by-step through the details we need to think about when setting ourselves up for success with our habits. We will cover everything from choosing just one habit to actually implementing your Habit Optimization worksheet. 

  2. Attend our weekly zoom meetings

    • Week 1:

      • Coach Alyssa will answer whatever questions you have about implementing the Habit Optimization worksheet 

      • A few volunteers can share their habits and describe how they worked through the details using the Habit Optimization worksheet

    • Week 2-5:

      • Each member will have a few minutes to do their weekly check-in to share how they are doing with their habit. 

      • A couple of volunteers will be chosen to utilize the remaining time and dig in to a bit of coaching.

        • Exploring which points on the Habit Optimization worksheet we need to revise.

        • Highlighting and celebrating what is going well.

  3. Access our Habit Optimization Community
    You will have the opportunity to share your wins + challenges regarding your habits. This will provide you with continuous accountability and support.​


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